We are a community in and out of the classroom. In addition to time at school, families and staff enjoy getting together in an informal way to build lasting relationships. These are some of the many events parents and teachers have created over the years.

Fall Campout
Each fall, all K-6 students, GFS teachers, and about 20 parent chaperones go on a three-day campout during the school week, usually at Refugio or Carpinteria State Beach. This is a treasured opportunity to develop multi-age relationships between big and little buddies and bond as a school community at the beginning of the year.

The move-a-thon is an annual fundraiser featuring a variety of physical activities such as dance, aerobics, jump rope, obstacle courses. Kids rotate through the stations, moving their bodies for one continuous hour for pledge money. The sixth graders select the theme, plan each station, and help run the event.

Winter Sing & Marketplace
One of our most treasured traditions is the Winter Sing and Marketplace, an evening event in December. Each year, K-6 students perform songs that they’ve rehearsed extensively, both as a whole school and as individual classes. Families come, share a soup dinner in the school courtyard, then watch the performance. Afterwards, students can opt to host a booth at the Marketplace, where they sell handmade crafts or treats.

School Plays
GFS has produced many plays over the years. Though this is not an annual event, each student usually participates in several productions over their time at GFS. Some plays are put on by the whole school, while others are performed by a particular class. Parents on the Arts Crew help with costumes and backdrops, involving students in their work.

Outdoor School & Class Trips
GFS goes on several K-6 outdoor school days throughout the year. These are all-day outdoor adventures in local open spaces. Students participate in nature hikes, nature games, arts and crafts, cooking, knot tying, first aid. Many outdoor school days are held at our Restoration Site at Calle Barquero Open Space, where GFS has engaged in a native plant restoration project for the past ten years.
In addition the Fall Campout with the whole school, each class also goes on an overnight campout with their class and parent chaperones. The 4th-6th grade class goes for a full week of Science Camp. Past destinations include Santa Cruz Island, Lake Cachuma, Joshua Tree National Park.

June Jam Graduation
The June Jam Graduation is our final event of the year, at which we honor the 6th graders in their graduation and celebrate each child’s success over the year. The entire school performs, each sixth grader presents a special talent of their choice, departing families are honored, and everyone enjoys a dance party afterwards.